Live broadcast, February 7th today, Lakers player Schroeder updated Instagram to show a video of his big feet on downtown. James forwarded and wrote, “this is too strong!”
Month: April 2023
Ding Weidi’s number of appearances reached the standard and won 1.5 million bonuses. Next season, 18.85 million contracts will become full guarantee.
Live Bar, January 29 -nba regular season today, Lone Ranger challenges jazz away. According to statistics, this is Ding Weidi’s 50th game this season. According to the report of salary expert Bobby Marks, Ding Weidi won a bonus of 1.5 million US dollars due to the meeting of the game, and the contract of 18.85 million next season will become full guarantee. In the first 49 games of this season, Ding Weidi can get 17.3 points, 3 rebounds and 5.3 assists.
This year’s NBA All-Star sneakers brand inventory: Nike series up to 18 people without Chinese sports brands
[NBA All-Star sneakers brand inventory: Nike has up to 18 people, and the two are naked feet]] On February 3, Beijing time, NBA announced its replacement lineup for the 2023 All-Star game. In this regard, the complete lineup of NBA All-Star Games was released. A large number of new NBA generations began to move to the center of the All-Star stage, and Harden and others became lost relics. It is worth mentioning that through the media’s inventory of the shoes endorsement Brand of this All-Star team, it is found that there are 13 Nike spokesmen and 4 Nike sub-Brand Jordan Brand, nike’s Converse spokesperson has one person, while Nike’s 9 people who are owning, about to own, and once owned signature shoes are all selected. Overall, a total of 18 Nike people were selected. In the 24-person all-star game lineup, it can be called a dominant, almost monopoly. In addition, two spokesmen were selected for the All-Star game Under Armour, and two spokesmen from Adidas were selected. Unfortunately, no spokesmen of Chinese sports brands were selected for this all-star lineup. At present, Owen and Jay Brown in the East do not have sneakers endorsement brands. Maybe Chinese brands can try it.
This shot… weishao 16 Middle 2 get 10 points 3 board 10 help 3 points 5 middle 0
Live broadcast, February 3 -nba regular season, Lakers Beat Pacers 112-111 away. Wei Shao played for 32 minutes, shooting 2 in 16, 0 in 5 in 3, 6 in 8 free throws, 10 points, 3 rebounds and 10 assists.
Very strong! The king is the only team that has scored 130 + points in at least 10 games so far this season.
Live broadcast, February 7th, NBA regular season, King 140-120 won the Rockets. According to statistics, the King is the only team that has won 130 + games in at least 10 games this season, and they have achieved 12 times.
关于詹姆斯历史第4的10338次助攻 你想知道的全都在这里了
北京时间2月1日,湖人在客场历经加时赛以129-123击败尼克斯。勒布朗-詹姆斯又迎来里程碑之夜,他送出11次助攻,常规赛助攻数达到10338次,连超马克-杰克逊、史蒂夫-纳什上升到历史第4位,排在他前面的只剩约翰-斯托克顿、杰森-基德和克里斯-保罗。 在詹姆斯生涯中,谁是接到他助攻最多的球员?排在前10位、前20位的球员分别都是谁?这些问题是很多球迷想了解的。单纯列数据很枯燥,不妨通过一些小故事将各种数据串联起来。 2003年选秀大会,詹姆斯以天选之子的姿态当选状元,他被克利夫兰球迷视作骑士救世主。当时,詹姆斯在接受著名媒体人艾哈迈德-拉沙德采访描述自己的球风时说:“我是更具爆发力的‘便士’哈达威,而不是以外线进攻为主的沙奎尔-奥尼尔。” 詹姆斯理应成为骑士的进攻核心,但初来乍到的他却表示自己找不到自己的角色。原因无它,里基-戴维斯、达柳斯-迈尔斯这些明明能力不够却又自视甚高的球员承担了大量球权,詹姆斯球权不够。2003年12月,戴维斯被送到凯尔特人。不到一个月后,迈尔斯被卖到开拓者。至此,詹姆斯的核心地位正式被明确。 那时候骑士的核心打法是詹姆斯与“大Z”伊尔戈斯卡斯之间的挡拆,伊尔戈斯卡斯身高2米21,是1996黄金一代成员,能低位进攻也能中距离投篮,缺点是伤病隐患大。不过,詹姆斯新秀赛季,伊尔戈斯卡斯出勤率极高打了81场,反而是骑士出勤率最高的球员,两人从一开始就擦出了火花。 “算上训练,我和詹姆斯大概执行过200万次挡拆,”伊尔戈斯卡斯说,“我们俩配合甚至不需要战术,一个眼神就够了。有时候,我们会反复不断执行同一个战术,直到对手防住再切换打法,有些对手从未找到办法限制我们的配合。只要你给他设置一个高质量掩护,你会处在空位,他就会把球传给你奖励你,这些年我总能找到空位。” 詹姆斯描述两人的配合时说:“我闭着眼睛都知道大Z在哪个位置。” 从2003年到2010年,两人在骑士合作了7年时间。2010年休赛期,詹姆斯离开骑士加盟热火,伊尔戈斯卡斯也跟着去了热火。两人合作场次超过500场,詹姆斯给他的助攻次数达到785次,他是接到詹姆斯助攻次数最多的球员。 伊尔戈斯卡斯不仅仅自己跟詹姆斯配合默契,他还教着骑士其他内线如何跟詹姆斯配合。布泽尔面对顶级内线时难以制造出手机会,伊尔戈斯卡斯教他后仰跳投。瓦莱乔刚来骑士英语水平一般,伊尔戈斯卡斯带他出去吃饭,帮他订酒店。包括德鲁-古登、希克森,他们都从伊尔戈斯卡斯这里学了不少。另外,伊尔戈斯卡斯日益精进的中投也给骑士其他内线腾出了篮下空间,当骑士打双塔,伊尔戈斯卡斯跟詹姆斯挡拆牵制防守,瓦莱乔等人弱侧偷袭。 古登接到詹姆斯356次助攻排名第5位,瓦莱乔以354次排名第6位。本来布泽尔有机会在更高的位置,但2004年他为了更大的合同选择离开,他跟詹姆斯只合作一个赛季就接到詹姆斯助攻123次,排名第26位。 詹姆斯骑士生涯初期小球还不流行,内线很少会投三分,詹姆斯给内线的助攻基本都转化为了中投或篮下出手。但2005年,唐耶尔-马绍尔加盟骑士主打四号位,詹姆斯有了一个空间型内线搭档。 2007年东部决赛骑士战活塞第一场,最后时刻詹姆斯没有选择自己打,而是传球给底角处在空位的马绍尔投三分,马绍尔空位打铁。赛后,詹姆斯因为选择传球遭到无数质疑。但第二天训练,骑士打了一个相同的战术,詹姆斯又一次传球给马绍尔,这一次马绍尔命中了,詹姆斯跳到他的背上庆祝。 马绍尔一共接到詹姆斯170次助攻,排名第16位。马绍尔骑士生涯三分命中率为33.5%,场均投中1.3个三分,那个时代已经算不错。 2010-11赛季,詹姆斯与克里斯-波什一同加盟热火,联手德韦恩-韦德组建三巨头。当时,韦德和波什都为詹姆斯做出了巨大牺牲,前者增加了空切,后者则转型成以投射为主的空间型内线。 韦德和波什中,更依赖詹姆斯传球的是波什。布泽尔曾解读热火的打法:“前三节,詹姆斯就是找韦德、雷-阿伦、麦克-米勒等外线得分手。但你知道他第四节找谁吗?波什。这就是詹姆斯的聪明之处。”2011年东部决赛打公牛,波什第四节的总得分仅次于詹姆斯,韦德、公牛领军德里克-罗斯都落后于他。 波什跟詹姆斯在热火合作4年,接到詹姆斯助攻481次排名第3位,韦德以428次排名第5位。 2014年夏天,詹姆斯重返骑士,还带来了凯文-乐福。乐福在骑士生涯初期经历过痛苦的适应期,连“前辈”波什都看不下去站出来给他提建议。等到乐福完成转型,他成为了比波什更好的空间型内线。波什在热火场均出手1.9个三分进0.7个,而乐福与詹姆斯合作4年,后3个赛季每个赛季场均三分命中数都超过2个。 一开始乐福并不愿意站底角,在森林狼习惯了大包大揽的他对持球权减少很不满。但目睹了詹姆斯的威力后,乐福选择了乖乖站底角。“詹姆斯是百年难遇的奇才,当他突破,他就相当于货运火车,我们要做的就是闪一边别挡路。” 乐福一共接到詹姆斯502次助攻,其中有264个是三分球,占比达到52.6%。 与乐福作用相同的还有弗莱、J.R.史密斯等,弗莱说:“我们的最大作用就是逼着对手解除对詹姆斯的包夹。一旦我们投中空位三分,他们就不会再对詹姆斯进行包夹,然后詹姆斯就可以随心所欲得分了。” “如果你在詹姆斯攻击篮下时协防,他就会给队友制造底角三分机会,”前开拓者主帅特里-斯托茨说,“如果你从弱侧协防,他也能找到空位队友。有时候你处在很好的防守位置上,但他还是能找到队友投三分,我不知道如何防。” 所以,接到詹姆斯助攻至少200次的11个球员里,乐福(第2)、波什(第3)、史密斯(288次、第8)、库兹马(248次、第9)、莫-威廉姆斯(231次、第10)、查尔莫斯(229次、第11)都是具备中远投能力的球员。 詹姆斯来到湖人后,与他配合最默契的无疑是安东尼-戴维斯。比起以顺下吃饼为主的麦基、霍华德,戴维斯打法更全面,内外均衡。本赛季是两人合作第4个赛季,虽然最近3个赛季两人因为伤病因素合体频率远不如2019-20赛季,但戴维斯已经接到詹姆斯316次助攻,排名已经提升到第7位。 其中2019-20赛季,戴维斯接到詹姆斯184次助攻,他也是单赛季接到詹姆斯助攻最多的球员,2013-14赛季的波什和2017-18赛季的乐福各自以141次并列第2位。 在接到詹姆斯助攻数榜单前20位中,只有韦德和凯里-欧文算外线持球攻击手,莫-威廉姆斯勉强算一个。欧文接到詹姆斯198次助攻排名第12位,其他球员要么是吃饼内线,要么是空间型内线,要么就是外线射手。 这20年间,联盟的打法潮流一直在变,可不管怎么变,詹姆斯总能适应,并继续送出大量助攻。 就像布泽尔说的:“想想看詹姆斯合作过的队友,各种风格都有,尤其是内线球员的风格这些年一直在变,从低位进攻型到挡拆顺下型再到空间型。但詹姆斯的篮球智商太令人惊叹了,不管联盟整体风格怎么变,他总能找到他的内线搭档。” 附:接詹姆斯助攻数排行榜前20位 1.伊尔戈斯卡斯 785次 2.乐福 502 3.波什 481 4.韦德 428 5.古登 356 6.瓦莱乔 354 7.戴维斯 316 8.史密斯 288 9.库兹马 248 10.莫-威廉姆斯 231 11.查尔莫斯 229 12.欧文 198 13.特里斯坦-汤普森 191 14.丹尼尔-吉布森 178 15.波普 171 16.马绍尔 170 17.麦基 160 18.达蒙-琼斯 157 19.科沃尔 144 20.弗莱 143
The best big guy in the league! Enbide and yokki hugged each other after the game
Live Bar, January 29 news today’s NBA regular season, 76-person home 126-119 like nuggets. After the game, the 76-player star enbide and the nugget star jokiki hugged each other and greeted each other after the game. The scene was very harmonious. Enbideben’s performance in the game burst. He played at 37 minutes 53 seconds in the whole game, with 31 shots of 18, 4 out of 7 in 3 points, 7 out of 10 free throws, 47 points of 18 rebounds and 5 assists, plus 3 steals 2 cap. Yorkich played for 38 minutes and made 8 of 12 shots. Among them, 2 of the 3-point shots and 6 of the 6 free throws, he got 24 points, 8 rebounds, 9 assists and 2 caps.
Curry: it will be beneficial for us to strive to play better on the road and improve the ranking.
Live broadcast, January 31 news Warriors today 128-120 Power Thunder. After the game, Curry, which scored 38 points, was interviewed by the media. Talking about the ranking of our team in the West, Curry said: “For us, we have to play better away and start to take off. This will be more important because the games ranked later can work.” The Warriors have won three consecutive victories, with 26 wins and 24 losses, ranking fifth in the West for the time being. Curry in this 20 12, three points 14 8, free throw 6 6 6, cut 38 points, another 8 board 12 help.
O’Neal forwarded the video of weishao’s partition of Gobel: weishao put Gobel into the body bag😤
Live broadcast bar, January 29 -nba celebrity O’Neal updated INS today. O’Neal forwarded a round of weishao’s deduction of Gobel in the Lakers vs Jazz game released by US media Playmakershoops in last January. American media essay: “Wei Shao put Gobel into the body bag.”
32 points for a fiasco! Silas: I don’t like the performance of the team. We don’t have the habit of winning.
Live broadcast, February 5th news today’s NBA regular season, Rockets 121-153 lost to thunder. After the game, Rockets coach Silas was interviewed and said about tonight’s defeat: “I don’t like the team’s performance tonight at all. Under such circumstances, you have to stand up, but we didn’t do it. We succumbed to things like ‘back to back, four days and three battles, no Gordon, no Tate. What we are discussing now is the habit of winning, but we don’t have it.” After this game, the Rockets continued to rank at the bottom of the West with 13 wins and 39 losses.